Time to be honest with ourselves.
The great lie being bought today
Published on November 2, 2010 By WatchNight In Religion

Time to be honest.......Islam....the religion of "peace" has sanctioned the murder of a woman. The Iranian government has given the go ahead to execute this lady because of alleged adultery. I am sick of people calling Islam a religion of peace when it sanctions the wholesale slaughter of their citizens because of stuff like this. In the mean time, the whiners come out and SPEAK OUT against the Christian faith for encouraging morality. "Yeah, but remember the cruscades....that was done by Christians!" What a load of Hogswallop! What year was that done again???? This is being done NOOOOOOWWWWW!!!! Not the dark ages...or the renaissance....or etc.... This barbaric faith continues to assert its blood thirsty agenda unchecked by a world terrified of being politically incorrect. Islam has become the same as the word Murder. Congrats to this peaceful people for murdering, lying, deceiving, and general anarchy!

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 18, 2012

As for the knowledge to do it, you just told me that I needed experts to build a well.  Who in the village is the expert to build the well?  Nobody... that's why they need outside help.  They don't have any money to build a well, because instead of doing things to produce more, they are traveling miles to get to water, to haul it up to their village.  Water that's going to make them sick because the people upriver are putting things in it that aren't good to drink, because THEY don't have another water source, either.

You can come up with all the excuses you want not to help people in need, but in the end you're just apathetic about it. 

The biggest thing I can bring to the table against what you say is God.  Because I know that God is sovereign and in control, I don't worry about overpopulation like you have to.  There will be enough, or people will die.  Either way, God is in control, even though this fallen world has a lot of things in it that he didn't want for us.  Since it's the way we chose, and some of us would still choose, apparently, the world doesn't follow God's will perfectly (obviously) but he still has the reins to tug when it needs it.

on Oct 18, 2012

Give Christians too long a leash, and you'll yourself back in the dark ages, with witch hunting, inquisition and whatnot. It still happens today that Christians see themselves crazed on something and do whatever they can to make things they way they want things to be. Freedom and Christianity is completely incompatible. There is nothing more terrorizing than Christianity.


There is nothing Muslims can do that is worse than what other people can make up about Christianity.

We really have to fear Christians!


on Oct 18, 2012

Give Christians too long a leash, and you'll yourself back in the dark ages, with witch hunting, inquisition and whatnot. It still happens today that Christians see themselves crazed on something and do whatever they can to make things they way they want things to be. Freedom and Christianity is completely incompatible. There is nothing more terrorizing than Christianity. What I wonder often is why, in these times, that Christianity is legal, because the bible is actually not only a Terrorist manual, but also instruction in how to create mindless Terrorists.

Don't tell me Christianity is peaceful, because it is not. the moment Christians have the opportunity to release their violent psychosis, they will. It has happened constantly since the beginning of Christianity.

You're funny.

on Oct 18, 2012

If we let Christians vote, they might vote for people who think like them and then they might shape society in good ways instead of the way we're going!  Don't let Christians vote.

on Oct 19, 2012

No, it's not the same God, because Mohammed's writing are 'more important' than the scriptures and outweigh them, so they do not worship the God of the Old Testament, but the God of Mohammed, who is a very different person.  Jewish God, Catholic God, and Christian God are the same though.


So where does it say, that it is not the same god? and we are also entering the Which Daddy is stronger - discussion. We now have something close to a ton of religions and even more gods. Which one of them is the "stronger" one? The one that people truly should follow in order not to be cast in to hell, by anyone of them. And here we enter a new problem. Why did the one true god, that everybody claim their god is, not make sure, beyond any doubt make it so that, that god was the only one there was to worship_ Why didn't that only true god make some kind of everlasting, non-movable, magical evidence, that could not be ignored or disputed?

Anyway... Islam acknowledge Jesus as a prophet. That also means that Islam is embracing the God of Jesus as a true God. That the Christian god is called "Allah" rather than "god" is a question of language. Would you claim that people believing in "dios" are not Christians, but something else?

...And another thing that you mention here, that is in conflict. Why mention the old testament in connection with Christianity? Christians are not following the old testament. If they did, they would also follow the rules in the old testament of killing children, gays, women etc. in special circumstances. Whom decided that the old testament or parts of it should be ignored by Christians? Isn't the old testament god the same god that jesus worship on the cross? Remember the words: "Daddy why do you let them bully me? Daddy? Daddy?"

This little detail about the old testament is really important to settle, because otherwise, Christianity is just a rogue religion, that pretty much invent and pick whatever seem "right" according to the current need. That is also how Christianity turns more dangerous than any other religion in the world, because it is easy for any Christian to collect a group with any pretence selected from the bible and manipulate people to go into terrorism in the name of Jesus or god.

If the old testament god is truly the same god as the new testament god, then why are bits and parts of the old testament ignored by the worshipers? When did this god send out an indisputable decree than you could choose whatever as a Christian. If you ignore what the god of the old testament has established in the old testament, then you're working against that god and establishing a false religion. The Abrahamic god doesn't like that. 

Why have so much critique on Islam, when Christianity is just as messed up? Why do Christians not spend time on efficiently cleaning up their own ranks and set themselves straight, before attacking others? 

on Oct 19, 2012

From Wikipedia's Muhammad entry:

Muhammad gained few followers early on, and was met with hostility from some Meccan tribes; he and his followers were treated harshly. To escape persecution, Muhammad sent some of his followers to Abyssinia before he and his followers in Mecca migrated to Medina (then known as Yathrib) in the year 622. This event, the Hijra, marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar, which is also known as the Hijri Calendar. In Medina, Muhammad united the tribes under the Constitution of Medina. After eight years of fighting with the Meccan tribes, his followers, who by then had grown to 10,000, in a largely peaceful conquest gained control of Mecca where he destroyed the pagan idols in the city[16] and then sent his followers out to destroy all of the remaining pagan temples throughout Eastern Arabia.[

So it turns out I'm talking about Muhammad.

Saladin existed in 1100s.  Muhammad in the 500-600s.

There is evidence in secular historians of the day's writing that Jesus did exist.

And oh look, there's a Bible.  An unchanged object, evidence for his existence, and it's in most homes.

You trust Wikipedia?... Nonono - Where in the bible do you find this? The bible is claimed to contain SO much information about everything there is to know, AND that the bible is the only book you should trust. As a true Christian - you do not use Wikipedia - you use the bible...

on Oct 19, 2012

What's funny to me is how smart atheists are to finally have seen through the Bible and how dumb everyone who ever walked the earth before them must be to believe in any sort of higher power. 

I don't think you understand what actually happened in Jesus' life.  People were healed with no explanation.  People who were blind, people who were lepers - people who people had known for DECADES were suddenly made whole.  How did that happen?  Why didn't the first Christians fight against these teachings if they weren't true?  Because they were true then, with eyewitness verification.  They didn't have the technology back then to have made a blind man see or a leper be healed.  So your position is, what, that it didn't happen?  I have eyewitness testimony that it DID happen.  Do you have eyewitness testimony that it didn't?  Even the pharisees, who hated Jesus (did they exist?) knew that he was performing miracles.

So how does that work with atheism?

How do the miracles that happen today work with atheism?


No no no - Don't give me that! You should know better that you're not up against just anybody here. You have to give me evidence that Jesus did this and words from the bible do not count as evidence. If the words in the bible count, then words in any book are to be taken as equally true. There HAS to be provided evidence to a claim. You could then say "why should I give anyone evidence?"
If I claim that I am Jesus, you would want some kind of evidence on that, right? I could actually be Jesus that is testing your faith in me just to see if you can be trusted before I step out in public and start a grand earthly drama. How would you know that I'm not Jesus? How would you know, that the words, that I am telling you through this forum are not true, without evidence? You can't know, and if you ask for evidence whether I am Jesus or not, I could simply tell you, that in that case, you're no true believer. 

The only thing you have in the bible, is a collection of urban legends. That's all.

on Oct 19, 2012

Also, don't forget that there are idiots from all walks of life - your Christian acquaintance sounds like one of them.  You can pray while you run.  Maybe God sent him to do it, but because he didn't, God ends up looking bad, but somebody still needed to save her.  Glad you did.

It's not a bad idea to help people.  Don't you understand what wells do?  It takes water that's stuck in the ground and brings it up to the surface, to then evaporate and rain down again, refilling the well's source in the process, and adding more water back into the cycle.

So, technically, by building more wells, we're increasing the fresh water supply, not taking away from fresh water supply that's being used somewhere else.  It's like saying, "Hey, if you drill that oil well, this other oil well will dry up faster."  If it's from the same source, sure, but if it's a different source... I don't think so.

Not to mention that fresh water is only the beginning of meeting the needs of these people.  They are also taught hygiene, and further they are told about Jesus, who loves them.  That's very important.  You see it as a way to make people stupider, but what's actually happening is that this charity is going to get them out of the cycle of poverty.

If you think it's okay to leave these people in those conditions, you can go live with them.  What, you wouldn't want to do that?  Then why should we leave them there?  Hey, while you're there you can try to convince them of how horrible God is and how Christians are just trying to rob them of their freedoms.

You're calling a fellow Christian an idiot??? WHAT??? He is a Christian! His choice in how to worship his Christian god is as valid as any Christians worship. His Christian argument, was as valid as any Christian argument. If you criticize a fellow Christian, you better be absolutely sure, that you're near perfect in your own worship, and that you carry evidence that to him proves that he did not do a Christian thing. Even though I do not agree with him falling to his knees in that situation, he still showed dedication to his belief. Neither Jesus or his god punished him for that action. I did. I became the force of punishment that the Christian oh-so-powerful deities should have been. I was the miracle that happened to that girl. Not any god or any messiah or any other magical being - just an ordinary human with years of martial arts experience.

I do understand the concept of a well. That's not the point. The point is, that you don't know the full impact. the bacteria and minerals they take in through the water, can be highly necessary for them to build up defenses that will help their children survive in the future. If you lead water from one area to another, you will not only lower the existing waterlevel(which is one of the largest problems in the West), another area will loose water. Clean water does not come in endless amounts you know. It goes through a long period of processing before it is drinkable. With the amount of air-pollution we have today, we can't even safety drink rainwater anymore.

But that another environment goes low in water also means that non-human species will die instead of the humans you save. Lack of wildlife will then be a problem concerning fertility of soil, which then means that drops die out. By watering and feeding humans, there has to be a loss somewhere else, and that loss, will eventually get back on the humans. We are now in the unfortunate situation, that we are already feeling the problems of overpopulation, and there are some groups out there saying "no problem if gets real bad, God will give us a miracle!"... God has never given an true miracles. God has never provided the miracle of letting an amputated limb grow back out. All the miracles that are spoken of, are so vague, that it's pathetic... and frankly it's getting a bit old. But I think it would be proper for Christians to learn about ecology from non-religious sources, because then they may understand how everything in nature is connected, and how humans are not elevated from whatever happen in nature...

on Oct 19, 2012

Quoting ExpressoKid, reply 3Give Christians too long a leash, and you'll yourself back in the dark ages, with witch hunting, inquisition and whatnot. It still happens today that Christians see themselves crazed on something and do whatever they can to make things they way they want things to be. Freedom and Christianity is completely incompatible. There is nothing more terrorizing than Christianity. What I wonder often is why, in these times, that Christianity is legal, because the bible is actually not only a Terrorist manual, but also instruction in how to create mindless Terrorists.

Don't tell me Christianity is peaceful, because it is not. the moment Christians have the opportunity to release their violent psychosis, they will. It has happened constantly since the beginning of Christianity.

You're funny.

Thank you I guess, even though I didn't make a joke, It's still nice to see people high on dopamine or serotonin having a blast.

If, however, you used the words as an sarcastic argument, then maybe it would be good for you to learn from here: http://www.csun.edu/~dgw61315/fallacies.html 

on Oct 19, 2012

If we let Christians vote, they might vote for people who think like them and then they might shape society in good ways instead of the way we're going!  Don't let Christians vote.

Good ways? What you think is good for me, is not what I think is good for me. If you impose on me something you think is good, then were did MY freedom go? Is freedom only something Christians should have? Your words alone gives me the chills, because you're actually speaking of a totalitarian state, where everything is regulated according to what YOU think is "good". Worse is that what you think is good, is something you picked up from a book, that someone else manipulated you to swallow at some point.

I can assure you, that if you force something that is good on any population with a mindset like mine, you will meet resistance  If you keep up pressing on, you will be regarded as hostile. If you still press on, violence will happen. Violence is a natural response to a hostile environment, and there is nothing that has proven itself more hostile in history than Christianity. 

on Oct 19, 2012


Quoting Jythier, reply 19If we let Christians vote, they might vote for people who think like them and then they might shape society in good ways instead of the way we're going!  Don't let Christians vote.

I can assure you, that if you force something that is good on any population with a mindset like mine, you will meet resistance  If you keep up pressing on, you will be regarded as hostile. If you still press on, violence will happen. Violence is a natural response to a hostile environment, and there is nothing that has proven itself more hostile in history than Christianity. 

Hell exists because people like you refuse to believe, and don't want to be forced into living God's way.  God's response is that you don't have to.  Would it be better for him to steal you out of Hell when you died and force you to live His way for all eternity, with you hating it and Him, or that he would send you somewhere else so you can be 'free' from His rule?

on Oct 19, 2012


Quoting ExpressoKid, reply 25
Quoting Jythier, reply 19If we let Christians vote, they might vote for people who think like them and then they might shape society in good ways instead of the way we're going!  Don't let Christians vote.

I can assure you, that if you force something that is good on any population with a mindset like mine, you will meet resistance  If you keep up pressing on, you will be regarded as hostile. If you still press on, violence will happen. Violence is a natural response to a hostile environment, and there is nothing that has proven itself more hostile in history than Christianity. 

Hell exists because people like you refuse to believe, and don't want to be forced into living God's way.  God's response is that you don't have to.  Would it be better for him to steal you out of Hell when you died and force you to live His way for all eternity, with you hating it and Him, or that he would send you somewhere else so you can be 'free' from His rule?

Oooohhhh.... Come on... According to Christianity, whom created everything - including hell? Only your god could create such a thing. It doesn't happen without your gods permission - otherwise he wouldn't be a perfect god, would he?

So, yeah - God created hell to punish those whom didn't want to kiss and glorify his ass. He OWNS hell! He is apparently all powerful, so... he can do whatever he want, right? He can also allow anything he want. Your god has absolute freedom. So either your god is extremely sadistic or incredibly retarded. Most human kids under 5 would be better gods than the Christian god.

on Oct 19, 2012

Actually, God created Hell - it is a place prepared for Lucifer and his demons, not you.  So you don't even belong there.  But you'll end up there, because anything is better than being with God to you.

on Oct 20, 2012

Actually, God created Hell - it is a place prepared for Lucifer and his demons, not you.  So you don't even belong there.  But you'll end up there, because anything is better than being with God to you.

So, what you're saying is that I will get punished for choosing the version of freedom that can make me happy. You really don't see a problem here?

The United States is "the land of the free", so since Christians doesn't allow freedom, why don't they just keep to pestering the middle eastern area where they originate from. Why take freedom to freedom away from the rest of the world?  Christianity is nothing but another form of terrorism, using a deception as a terrorist weapon instead of physical weapons. But as it turns out, it has been much more destructive to individual freedom than any other terrorist organisation that has ever existed.

Creating a hell to punish people that doesn't follow your command, is rather a silly thing to do by a perfect god... and if lucifer and his followers were such a big problem, god should do something himself, rather than make people think that they are "Warriors of Christ". You really don't see the conflicts? Everywhere in Christianity you see "2+2=8 and also that 2+2=57", but never see that 2+2=4.

If I don't believe that 2+2=57, then I will be cast in hell? Not so long ago, Christians had enough power to punish those that said the planet was round and not flat. What is that? Why punish people for being different? Where is the tolerance in that? 

on Oct 20, 2012


Quoting ExpressoKid, reply 25
Quoting Jythier, reply 19If we let Christians vote, they might vote for people who think like them and then they might shape society in good ways instead of the way we're going!  Don't let Christians vote.

I can assure you, that if you force something that is good on any population with a mindset like mine, you will meet resistance  If you keep up pressing on, you will be regarded as hostile. If you still press on, violence will happen. Violence is a natural response to a hostile environment, and there is nothing that has proven itself more hostile in history than Christianity. 

Hell exists because people like you refuse to believe, and don't want to be forced into living God's way.  God's response is that you don't have to.  Would it be better for him to steal you out of Hell when you died and force you to live His way for all eternity, with you hating it and Him, or that he would send you somewhere else so you can be 'free' from His rule?


To me, God is a malicious dictator, that has no grasp of what it means to be a god. Hell exist because god created hell - not because I refuse to believe. Hell is a prison - a torture chamber meant only to punish those whom did not wish to kneel before god. If I am not allowed to refuse god, then I have no freedom. Christianity itself doesn't grant me freedom. Therefore Christianity, by default, is hostile. Hostility is met with resistance - always.

If you impose your version of freedom on my version of freedom, I am in my right to violently defend myself. 

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